This article provides information about an issue some users may encounter when accessing the Virtual Terminal after it has been integrated into a third-party CRM system.
Customers that have integrated the Virtual Terminal into their CRM system, do not need to manually log in to the Virtual Terminal. The integration code allows the user to log in automatically, as long as their IP address has been whitelisted.
Note: Only integrated Virtual Terminals require the registration of IP addresses as an additional layer of authentication security.
When a user tries to access the Virtual Terminal from an unregistered IP, the login page for the Virtual Terminal will be displayed. The user will not be able to log in, even when using the right credentials, until their IP address is included in the IP Whitelist.
To register your IP address, get your computer's public IP and request your administrator to add it to the IP Whitelist. If you had previously registered an IP that needs to be replaced, the IP record in the IP Whitelist can be updated.
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