Users can have multiple devices registered to them at a time. Usually, when a user is created, a primary device is assigned using the device's MAC address. Additional devices can be assigned as secondary devices. This article describes the process to accomplish this in Broadcloud's Admin Portal.
- Access to the Parent Admin Portal.
- Access to the Admin Portal.
- The user's IP Phone has been added to the Admin Portal.
- There is a user station available.
To access the Admin portal as the customer:
- Log into the Parent Admin Portal.
- Navigate to Admin > Customer Service Tool.
- Input the customer's name in the Customer field and press Enter.
- If a match is found, the customer information is displayed. Click on the Access CAP option at the top.
- In the Admin Portal, go to the Users tab.
- Find the user that needs to be updated and click on Actions > Edit.
- Go to Devices>Shared Devices.
- Select a device from the Find and add devices dropdown list. The selected device will be displayed in the Devices list.
Note: If the device has already been added to the phone system, but cannot be selected, it is possible it has already been assigned to another user. Refer to Removing Device Assignment from User for more information.
- Click on Save.
To verify that the secondary device was assigned, repeat steps 2 and 3 from the Solution section and review the Devices list. The device should be displayed. Additionally, inbound calls to the user will ring on all assigned devices.
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