Administrators and users can easily reset a user's My Phone Next and UC-One apps password when it has been forgotten. This article also covers a process for the administrator to generate a password reset email in the case when the user is unable to receive it. This article describes the steps to accomplish this in two different scenarios:
Please note that in both scenarios, the new password will be set by the end-user.
- Access to the Parent Admin Portal. (Using credentials in PasswordState)
- Access to the Admin Portal if you are an administrator changing a user's password.
- Access to the My Phone Next Portal if you want to change your own password.
To access the Admin portal as the customer:
- Log into the Parent Admin Portal.
- Navigate to Admin > Customer Service Tool.
- Input the customer's name in the Customer field and press Enter.
- If a match is found, the customer information is displayed. Click on the Access CAP option at the top.
- In the Admin Portal, navigate to the Users tab.
- Search for the user using their first name, last name, or extension.
- Select Actions and then the Edit option for the correct user in the results.
- Review the user's email in the User Information tab.
- Note that the password reset email will be sent to the "Email", not to the "User ID" (if different)
- Click on Reset Password.
- The end-user will receive a temporary password via email to the e-mail address acquired in step 4 and can continue the password reset process from Step 4 of the End-User section.
- Go to the My Phone Next Portal.
- Click on the Forgot Password? link.
- Enter your username and click on the Reset Password button.
- You will receive a temporary password via email. Check your e-mail including the Spam folder and get the temporary password.
Note: The temporary password will expire in 24 hours. If the temporary password is not changed within this time period, you will need to reset the password again.
- Go to the My Phone Next Portal.
- Enter your username and the temporary password.
- You will be prompted to change your password. Enter your New Password taking into account the following rules and click on Change Password:
- The password must be at least 10 characters long.
- It cannot contain the username, telephone number, or alternate ID.
- It at least one character from each category:
- Uppercase Letters.
- Lowercase Letters.
- Numbers.
- Non-alphanumeric characters.
Note: This password must be changed after 90 days.
Once the new password has been set, the user can verify if it was updated correctly by logging in to the My Phone Next Portal or the UC-One application with the new password.
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